
Do women have a brain to be a scientist?

Have you heard about a statement said that women are inherently worse than men in math and science? I absolutely don't deal with this. Everybody knows that math or science are both difficult for people to learn. So why that this statement has argued? Maybe because they don't know the capability of women can do. Still remember about Marie Curie?? i am so proud of her, i am inspired by her. Nowadays, there are so many madame curies who have a big deal in science.

I believe that women have the same capability as men who are very expert in math and science. Usually men use their logic to solve the problem, so do women. But not only logic, women also usually use their feeling too.. Isn't that sound more interesting that women can do two things at the same time?

I do very curious about this, i'll try to find out the capability of women to do math and science..
It's not because i am smart or what, but i just want to know about my truly deeply ability which i can't explore...

Hope that i will find it soon.....


dan yang tersisa....

semuanya udah berakhir.
masa-masa sulit, kerja keras...
selesai sudah.

tapi yang tersisa sekarang, perasaan bersalah.
mungkin selama ini gw ga bisa menjadi pemimpin yang baik
mungkin gw ga bisa adil
mungkin gw menjadi sangat menyebalkan

tapi sumpah, saat itu gw lelah.
semuanya juga pasti capek.
gw ga tau harus perbaikin dari mana yang salah.
gatau masih bisa diperbaikin atau ga.

gatau apa bisa kayak dulu atau ga.
awalnya menyenangkan, tapi gw gatau kenapa akhirnya begini.

gw sendiri merasa ga enak.
untuk bicara aja susah.


i don't know blame it on me or who...
but i know that i have to say sorry for all...

sorry. even it's just a little to late..


Note for me...

"ya ampun gw ga ngerti... kenapa sih salah terus!!!"

Gw sering banget ngeluh kayak gitu...
and thanks God, i have lovely friends around who always support me...

terkadang bahkan mereka marahin gw kalau gw udah mau nyerah.
gw malu banget kalau udah kayak gitu.
tapi gw bener-bener bersyukur karena kalau ga dimarahin kapan gw bisa maju...
ga ngerti dikit, nyerah.
remed dikit, nyerah.
ga bersyukur padahal udah dikasih kesempatan kedua.

pernah suatu hari gw sempet berfikir untuk berhenti belajar...
aduh buat apa sih gw belajar?
hari ini ngerti, besok juga udah lupa...

terus buat apa dong?
buat ngejar nilai?

huuaaa.... kalau nilai bisa dimanipulasi bukan?

terus buat apa dong?

dan saat itu ada seorang 'cowok pinter' bilang gini...
"Belajar itu ibadah, son..."

gw akhirnya tertegun.
berfikir sejenak....
aduh bodoh banget gw selama ini.
Pantesan aja ga pernah bener belajarnya...
gw ga pernah meniatkan belajar gw buat ibadah.
padahal jelas-jelas itu yang diperintahkan Allah SWT dalam Al Qur'anNya.

dan itu membuat gw tersadar sekarang.
thanks my friend.... you've made a lovely quote... and as my note, i'll remember it.


GW, KTP dan PEMILU 2009

pagi ini seluruh rakyat indonesia harus mencontreng...
dan gw pun berfikir...

untung aja gw belum punya KTP.
even, umur gw udah 17 tahun februari kemaren,
tapi sampai detik ini gw BELUM BIKIN KTP.
jadinya gw berfikiran untuk bersantai-santai seharian ini.

i didn't care what people say about this election.
because i think that i couldn't make a vote....
so i just relaxed sitting on my chair in front of my lovely pc.

i couldn't imagine if i actually join and participate in this election.
But before i imagine that, my father told me that i must prepare to go to the election place.
huuaaaaa! MY FATHER must be joking....
But, he isn't. He seriously asked me to go.

He told me that i was invited to this election.
But how it could be if i even didn't have KTP and haven't registered yet...

little weird, isn't it?
But the worst was, that i haven't made a choice. I never thought before that i should make a choice...

OH NO!!!! at that moment i thought being a GOLPUT is better than choosing one...

well, i didn't know what think before. but finally when i came in to the box of your voice.


yeaaah. i did it.... i wasn't GOLPUT.
i don't wanna loose this important moment to choose the one that i think is the right one....

i was so thankful with the election channel which gave me some advice for choosing the right one...


and i hope that i could make the right decission for this election...


GOODY BAG only 15.000 for BURGLAR

Coming soon as a new stuff...

COOL GOODY BAG in this month!!

as a souvenir from Enam Satu Competition (NASA.COM) 'BURGLAR'

Color : Grey and White
made from Spunbond.

for order please leave your comment or call 021-91145105

Grab it only Rp !!

only 15.000 for this cool bag
it means you support our burglarism in NASA.COM BURGLAR May 2009...



SMA 61 proudly presents Enam Satu Competition for Senior High School (NASA.COM) in BURGLAR (bring the ultimate art and glorious of sport)...
it's really worth it.
Because a dream doesn't become a reality through magic...
it takes sweat, hardwork and determination.

open for registration in 13th April 2009....
open registration at 61 Senior High School, Jl. Taruna Pahlawan Revolusi, Jakarta Timur.

be there....


KASKUS join earth hour...

Yesterday most of people were talking about earth hour...
then when i was blogging, silmina chatted me and asked to turn my light off.

well, i exactly couldn't do that!
i was alone you knoooow.... and i felt a little scare (like a poor little child).

Then one by one of my friends was appeared from my network.
they were doing an EARTH HOUR!!

when i was browsing, i found a fantastic moment (umm i think it was cool)...

KASKUS WERE OUT OF ORDER during earth hour!!!!

i think KASKUS is the only one famous web who join earth hour, and turned off the web.
(made it out of order), isn't it?